It was a great summer. We had cousins down to play and have fun tending while mommy work.
We had a great time in Hawaii with UCC.
August has been hot and fun. School supplies, school clothes and class assignment.
Last year of elementary for one and last year of preschool for another.
Smart little cookies who have a lot of fun.
Mom FINALLY passed abc 3 and is concentrating on accounting class now. Mom also learned about Dave Ramsey and hopefully in about a year or so we can call in screaming I AM DEBT FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing we missed this year was the camping trip...with Grandpa gone it just did not feel right attempting to go but next year I promised the girls back to camping. We still miss Isaiah and Grandpa so much.
We also have a new addition a kitty and will post some pictures later. Below enjoy some pictures from Hawaii.