Well the countdown is officially on for heading to Mechanicsburg, PA.
We will be in Utah for a few days ....then Winter Quarters.....Nauvoo.....Columbus and Shopping and then Mechanicsburg.
No news about the house just yet, but the person in charge seems optimistic.
I still wish I could take my house with me BUT as a good friend reminded me and I remind myself daily. This is just a MOMENT in time.
Another friend said YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT and come out stronger in the end.
So as the days tick down more and more stuff given away or tossed on garbage day. And thy will that what ever happens with the house will be the best for the family in the long run.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
16 More Days
Well the days are winding down and our new life begins. Kids are excited. Next few weeks full of donation vans and good byes.