Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well last week I stubbed my toe in the house.  Hurt but nothing, well Sunday it hurt worse and worse and Monday I had a hard time walking thought went to work and was sent home.  I went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics and a referral to a Podiatrist.

Being the nurse I am I knew it was infected but thought that was it.

So earlier today I went in for my referral at the podiatrist...he said LOOKS infected but before I treat you need x rays to see if it is broken.  So off to the radiologist I went.  Of course they won't tell you BUT it did not look broken to me.   Back to the doctors and YEAH not broken BUT.....
it had started to ooze (not so pretty)  and bleed and the whole toe was swollen.  SO minor surgery in the office he took off the nail and cleaned up the infection area.  Wrapped it up and home I went.  I just hope by Friday this throbbing stops OR I will be off work again for one more day.

I should have taken pictures to post lets just say it was not pretty.  So here I am trying to sleep NOT doing a good job and with an aching, throbbing foot.  

The girls have been great taking care of me and so has Jason.

SO I have taken pain medication and am am going to attempt to go to sleep.

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