Took the girls swimming today. No pictures as only one adult and strictly enforced arms legnth away from toddlers made it impossible to take pictures. So will try next time as my little ones think they are both fishes. Next summer we will try and attept a month or so of swimming lessons.
Marielle loves to point out she is much tanner than mommy HAHA. And she did follow rules today. She decided it wasn't that fun to sit on the side while everyone played. She is going to give me a run for my money but we would not have it any other way.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Pictures are IN
I can't wait to go pick up the actual pictures of the girls and hang them up. Well we have neighbors now on both sides of our house. Now I need to go over and say hi this weekend. People in Las Vegas well how can I say this, you dont' always know your neighbors most just are not friendly but I will try. No car seats in cars which makes me sad was hoping for some little kids well there is still hope for across the street. I was also so hoping their would be someone closer to McKennas age so we will see what happens when people really get moved in and are actually here all the time. We just never get good luck of having kids next to anywhere we live and year round school does not help this as kids aer on different tracks and board all the time, you think the schools would at least group kids in the neighborhood on the same track but NO. But tracks are a vent for a differen day. I hated them so much we pulled our daughter out and moved her to a magnet school. That was NOT the main reason but it was high up there, this mom enjoys summers off.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
This week my niece is here and the girls are having fun. We will take some pictures this week and post. Everyone is excited about starting school and just waiting for the letters to be sent out. Here the school district waits until about two weeks before school to send them, drives this mom CRAZY. Would like to know a bit earlier. The girls want to play soccer this year, our little one has to wait one more year and then can start.
Just wanted to send Congrats to friends who are adopting right now. Wish we were there.
Just wanted to send Congrats to friends who are adopting right now. Wish we were there.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Random Thoughts
Well Jason got the girls new professional pictures when the disk comes we can add them to the blog, man alive they grow so fast and grow up so fast.
The past few days have been rough at work, watching babies come BEFORE they are due is really hard. (ALL ARE IN THE NICU and fighters). But it just makes me wonder why some babies come early, why some babies won't come down at all and mom has to have a c/s and they come out these littel six pound babies. When sometimes well a mom is almost ready to deliver and all shrinks back down and swells. I guess GOD is in control and the timing is sometimes not ours but his, the whys are not always apparent.
As most people know we wanted to adopt again (probably me more than Jason but hey the RH never said NO) but lately I have been wondering if GOD is now trying to tell me something EVERY TIME I have signed up for extra shifts lately the past six months (and those shifts in my mind were to be put in an account so we would have money when the time was right for China again) I get called off or something happens were we need the money for something else this time it is the starter in one of the cars (at least it for now is only the starter). So I guess I am wondering since I still feel so strongly that there is one more child out there for us why this keeps happening. (I would adopt three or four more but we all know in the house daddy will only agree to one more than the two we have).
This summer my nephews and then my niece will be here and it just brings a different dimension to the house, my girls are just happier. My oldest is pretty lonely as she was on oldest child and though I have kept her busy with stuff growing up she has always been a bit lonely. Our youngest will face the same and as being adopted there will be things as she grows up that she faces that I cannot help her with, I so wanted her to be able to share with another person just like her for she will face things I know nothing about as an adult and I wanted her to have another who would understand. That is what drew me to go back to China. That and seeing the faces in the SWI I swore one day I would come back for one more.
So I still try to save and still pray that we finally have the go ahead from daddy to start the process once more. So all you out there pray that whatever the path ahead that I will accept GODS will. Hopefully it includes one more a boy or girl it doesnt matter. Hopefully the path will open up (25,000 dollars doesn't just grow on trees) and if the plan is a different one help me to accept where it is.
I hate my nephews and niece to go home because the house just looses the completeness and I hope whereever he/she is that my heart is searching for we can find.
Until then I try and sometimes better than others to not let the longing let me forget the two little wonders that God has blest me with so far.
Sometimes plans just don't turn out the way we think, you get sick and loose something that somedays just comes back and you and makes you question WHY.
So when I work I always pray before and after the shift for HIS will to be done and for me to be able to recogize the things that will make deliveries come smoothly and to stay calm in crisis.
The past few days have been rough at work, watching babies come BEFORE they are due is really hard. (ALL ARE IN THE NICU and fighters). But it just makes me wonder why some babies come early, why some babies won't come down at all and mom has to have a c/s and they come out these littel six pound babies. When sometimes well a mom is almost ready to deliver and all shrinks back down and swells. I guess GOD is in control and the timing is sometimes not ours but his, the whys are not always apparent.
As most people know we wanted to adopt again (probably me more than Jason but hey the RH never said NO) but lately I have been wondering if GOD is now trying to tell me something EVERY TIME I have signed up for extra shifts lately the past six months (and those shifts in my mind were to be put in an account so we would have money when the time was right for China again) I get called off or something happens were we need the money for something else this time it is the starter in one of the cars (at least it for now is only the starter). So I guess I am wondering since I still feel so strongly that there is one more child out there for us why this keeps happening. (I would adopt three or four more but we all know in the house daddy will only agree to one more than the two we have).
This summer my nephews and then my niece will be here and it just brings a different dimension to the house, my girls are just happier. My oldest is pretty lonely as she was on oldest child and though I have kept her busy with stuff growing up she has always been a bit lonely. Our youngest will face the same and as being adopted there will be things as she grows up that she faces that I cannot help her with, I so wanted her to be able to share with another person just like her for she will face things I know nothing about as an adult and I wanted her to have another who would understand. That is what drew me to go back to China. That and seeing the faces in the SWI I swore one day I would come back for one more.
So I still try to save and still pray that we finally have the go ahead from daddy to start the process once more. So all you out there pray that whatever the path ahead that I will accept GODS will. Hopefully it includes one more a boy or girl it doesnt matter. Hopefully the path will open up (25,000 dollars doesn't just grow on trees) and if the plan is a different one help me to accept where it is.
I hate my nephews and niece to go home because the house just looses the completeness and I hope whereever he/she is that my heart is searching for we can find.
Until then I try and sometimes better than others to not let the longing let me forget the two little wonders that God has blest me with so far.
Sometimes plans just don't turn out the way we think, you get sick and loose something that somedays just comes back and you and makes you question WHY.
So when I work I always pray before and after the shift for HIS will to be done and for me to be able to recogize the things that will make deliveries come smoothly and to stay calm in crisis.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Movie Day
Today going to take the kids to the movies. We usually don't go to many. My washer is making so many funny noises, I just hope it keeps a running for a little bit longer.
McKenna wants a hamster. I told her if she saved the money up for one and food, etc that she could get one. No usually this daughter of mine wants alot of things and she doesn't save and the latest thing goes away. So of course I said YES. Well boy have I learned my lesson. Guess who saved the money, guess who now wants the hamster. (the one she wants is really cute). Guess who is hesitant ME. I will say it small animals and HUGE animals scare me always have. Growing up when you go to the zoo unless I was sitting on my dads head, guess who WOULD NOT go into the petting zoo. (GUESS WHO STILL WATCHES). I would not touch snakes or lizards. I was afraid of cats, dogs. We had a dog so I eventually got used to them, still big ones my heart races, we have a cat and well honestly it depends on the temperment of the cat.
My problem is when the newness wears off, I DON"T WANT to clean the cage etc. So we may have a broken hearted girl. Or eventually a onery girl as she cleans the cage. I have not decided which to do. Dad really doesn't hate pets BUT just sighs when another one comes in. Fish, cat, dog he knows that even though I am scared. I do have a soft heart for the pets.
If we get the hamster we will post a picture. Who knows, who knows.
McKenna wants a hamster. I told her if she saved the money up for one and food, etc that she could get one. No usually this daughter of mine wants alot of things and she doesn't save and the latest thing goes away. So of course I said YES. Well boy have I learned my lesson. Guess who saved the money, guess who now wants the hamster. (the one she wants is really cute). Guess who is hesitant ME. I will say it small animals and HUGE animals scare me always have. Growing up when you go to the zoo unless I was sitting on my dads head, guess who WOULD NOT go into the petting zoo. (GUESS WHO STILL WATCHES). I would not touch snakes or lizards. I was afraid of cats, dogs. We had a dog so I eventually got used to them, still big ones my heart races, we have a cat and well honestly it depends on the temperment of the cat.
My problem is when the newness wears off, I DON"T WANT to clean the cage etc. So we may have a broken hearted girl. Or eventually a onery girl as she cleans the cage. I have not decided which to do. Dad really doesn't hate pets BUT just sighs when another one comes in. Fish, cat, dog he knows that even though I am scared. I do have a soft heart for the pets.
If we get the hamster we will post a picture. Who knows, who knows.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer Camping Trip
Each Summer we take a camping trip with Grandpa and Grandma this year was no exception. We had fun at the usual campground. We LOVED the treasure hunt although next year the kids said NOT SO MANY. I think I will have Travis set it up next year.
We had a fun time McKenna got the Indiana Jones Monopoly game......and lets just say I (mom) ..... well I know now WHY I have not played this game for many many years. I have to work on controlling my temper when playing this game STILL.
I also decided that it is time to upgrade to a trailer for next year NO MORE TENT camping......hey anyone want to give me a trailer LOL. Just kidding just will add it to the list of my WANTS (POOL, TRAILER, BOAT, JET SKIS...I guess we will tent for a few more years LOL.
I love it when Jason gets the girls pictures professionally done for my birthday. This year is no exception. Both got new hair cuts for the big event and later today I will again attempt to load pictures from both camping and the hair cuts. Blogger was not cooperating last night so at nap time I will try again.
My mac fix was not a big deal this time, I guess the virus free macs may have some sort of virus cause all the updates on the harddrive had to be reinstalled, they did it for free and I did not loose any pictures. Everything else I could live with but NOT loosing pictures, so I learned I need to have a back up. Jason is going to help there.
Today we are doing cleaning. Can you here the kids groan. This week we will go to a museum and movie so they will have some fun also.
Check back later for pictures and hopefully blogspot will be cooperating when I attempt the pictures again.
We had a fun time McKenna got the Indiana Jones Monopoly game......and lets just say I (mom) ..... well I know now WHY I have not played this game for many many years. I have to work on controlling my temper when playing this game STILL.
I also decided that it is time to upgrade to a trailer for next year NO MORE TENT camping......hey anyone want to give me a trailer LOL. Just kidding just will add it to the list of my WANTS (POOL, TRAILER, BOAT, JET SKIS...I guess we will tent for a few more years LOL.
I love it when Jason gets the girls pictures professionally done for my birthday. This year is no exception. Both got new hair cuts for the big event and later today I will again attempt to load pictures from both camping and the hair cuts. Blogger was not cooperating last night so at nap time I will try again.
My mac fix was not a big deal this time, I guess the virus free macs may have some sort of virus cause all the updates on the harddrive had to be reinstalled, they did it for free and I did not loose any pictures. Everything else I could live with but NOT loosing pictures, so I learned I need to have a back up. Jason is going to help there.
Today we are doing cleaning. Can you here the kids groan. This week we will go to a museum and movie so they will have some fun also.
Check back later for pictures and hopefully blogspot will be cooperating when I attempt the pictures again.

Friday, July 4, 2008
Just kids having fun
Here is Marielle and her friend having fun and goofing off for the camera. We are so excited to see her again at the camping trip. We will have tons of new photos from the camping trip. TRYING TO TAKE FOURTH OF JULY FIRE WORK PICTURES BUT I THINK I WILL HAVE TO KEEP PRACTICING LOL MISS THE SHOT BUT I WILL GET BETTER. The kids are having fun though.